Alpacast is a free service and as such comes with no guarantees for future updates or bug fixes.

The service is provided as is. By using this service your understand that this service can be stopped at any time, without notice.

Alpacast is using for it's search function, and is not responsible for any podcasts listed there.
Furthermore, alpacast is just listing the content of 3rd party xml podcast files, and is not responsible for the contents therein.

The same goes for our proxy service for downloading audio files from servers not supported by garmin devices; we are just forwarding the request.

If any of this becomes an issue, alpacast is likely to shutdown.


Welcome to Alpacast

Alpacast is a podcast app for Garmin with web playlist management

Sign in or create an account to continue


  • Playlist management on the web
  • Two way progress sync
    • Set progress/starting point from the web
    • Listen progress from watch is synced back and displayed on web
  • Automatic removal of finished episodes
  • Marks episodes finished if skipped with just a few minutes left.
  • Keep track of your finished episodes
  • Syncing workaround for podcasts hosted on servers not supported by some Garmin devices


  • Click the (+) button to add one or more podcasts to your list
  • Click one of the added podcasts to view episodes
  • Click the (+) button on the episodes to add them to the playlist
  • The checkmark button can be used to mark episodes as played. Played episodes are hidden by default (press the eye icon at the top to show played episodes)
  • Optionally set the position to start playing the episode with the slider under each episode (in the playlist)
  • Up and down buttons on the episodes in the playlist can be used to sort the playlist. On non-touch devices drag and drop can be used too.
  • Use the Synchronize option in the watch to download the playlist
  • Auto add: It's possible to turn on auto add to automatically add new episodes to the playlist. At most 10 items will be added at one time.


New features!

Over the last month a few new features have been added:

  • Search has been added! Search in podcasts to find the episode your looing for. Can also be used with "mark all" functionality.
  • Sort playlist and podcasts with drag & drop. On mobile, touch the size dots next to "remove" to drag
  • Indicator for number of unplayed episodes and auto-add new episodes. With auto add on new episodes are automatically added to the playlist.

Progress sync issue

There is an issue on some (all?) garmin devices with setting playback start position for mp3 files.

The latest version of the watch app has a setting to always start mp3 files from the beginning, to avoid the worst impacts of this issue, but that ofc means that progress sync doesn't work.

You can find and upvote the bug report to garmin here: Music playback from custom position with ActiveContent not working

Alpaca Plushie

The alpaca